Steam traps

Steam traps are a type of automatic valve that filters out condensate (i.e. condensed steam) and non-condensable gases such as air without letting steam escape. In industry, steam is used regularly for heating or as a driving force for mechanical power. Steam traps are used in such applications to ensure that steam is not wasted.

Various types of steam trap mechanisms (operation principles) have been developed to automatically discharge condensate and non-condensable gases. The most widely used mechanisms are those that rely on differences in temperature, specific gravities, and pressure.

Each of these types of steam traps has its own advantages and applications.
Steam traps have a big job, actually several tasks, in a well-designed steam system. For overall efficiency and economy, steam traps must provide:

  • Minimal steam loss
  • Long life and dependable service
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Air venting
  • CO2 venting
  • Operation against back pressure
  • Freedom from dirt problems
Стоманено  биметално кондензно гърне-PN40; DN 1/2 - 25
Стоманено биметално кондензно гърне-PN40; DN 1/2 - 25
Термодинамично кондензно гърне от неръждаема стомана
Термодинамично кондензно гърне от неръждаема стомана
Термодинамично стоманено кондензно гърне-PN40; DN1/2 - 25
Термодинамично стоманено кондензно гърне-PN40; DN1/2 - 25
Термостатично стоманено кондензно гърне-PN40; DN 1/2, 3/4, 1, 15, 20, 25
Термостатично стоманено кондензно гърне-PN40; DN 1/2, 3/4, 1, 15, 20, 25
Чугунено поплавково кондензно гърне - PN16; DN32,40,50
Чугунено поплавково кондензно гърне - PN16; DN32,40,50
Чугунено поплавково кондензно гърне - PN16; DN 1/2, 3/4, 1, 15, 20, 25
Чугунено поплавково кондензно гърне - PN16; DN 1/2, 3/4, 1, 15, 20, 25

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B & M Energo Group ltd.

Adress: 1618 Sofia № 36 A Lubliana Str. module 3
E-mail adress: [email protected]